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Number Located!

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Get Location

Find the location of any phone by
its number

Ready to find out where the phone is?
Please check phone number format and try again.
Detectico works all over the world. Every phone. Every network. You’re good to go with Detectico.
Phone tracker App Detectico

Detectico takes the mystery out of any phone number

Find out the location of any number, who owns a number, and more.

Detect by Number
Detect their Name
Detect Data Leaks
Detect by Number
Text a message with a detection link to any number. When they tap the link, you’ll know their location.
Detect their Name
Wondering who’s behind a number that’s been texting or calling you? Detectico can find out. It scans all kinds of records and feeds you the info.
Detect Data Leaks
Is your personal information at risk? Detectico can detect if your private info is out there for hackers to steal.
Detect by number
Text a message with a detection link to any number. When they tap the link, you’ll know their location.
Detect their Name
Wondering who’s behind a number that’s been texting or calling you? Detectico can find out. It scans all kinds of records and feeds you the info.
Detect data leaks
Is your personal information at risk? Detectico can detect if your private info is out there for hackers to steal.

Hear directly from real Detectico users

APPROVED ON: Even insight 80/100
APPROVED ON: Sitejabber star 4,6/5.0
Tenysha M.
My husband seemed to always be working late, like a little too often. I’ve watched enough Netflix to know that something else is going on. So I used Detectico to track him down. I punched in his number, wrote a custom message, and in no time I was able to find out his exact location. Turns out, he was at the office. Gave me some peace of mind, so I’m appreciative.
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Natalie Q.
Decent app. Sometimes it’s slow to send me their location, but that’s probably because the person I’m trying to locate is too slow to share the link or maybe they’re ignoring it. But overall, really good.
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Kelly B.
Works as advertised and much faster than expected. I like the fact that there’s no app to install. Well done.
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Deborah L.
Works as promised and really easy to use. 5 stars. No complaints.
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Steve M.
My wife travels for business regularly. She has a history of partying too much with colleagues and doing things she wouldn’t normally do at home. I use Detectico to make sure she is far away from a bar. Because she has to click the link in my message, she’s in full control of sharing her location with me. But she always clicks it quickly and shares her location. It’s definitely helped our marriage.
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Michael S.
My daughter was travelling in the summer and I needed a way to find out where she is at all times, just for safety purposes. With Detectico, I can text her a message and when she responds, I receive her location. Well, not only did it help me find her location on multiple locations, but at one point on her trip, her phone was stolen. I was able to track it down remotely from thousands of miles away and get it back for her.
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Marvin C.
Big fan of Detectico. I like being able to punch in my daughter’s number and find out that she’s safe.
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Karen D.
My employees use their personal phones while on the road, so I don’t have permission to install anything on their device for tracking purposes. Detectico gives me the power to find out where they are while giving them total control to share their location with me (or not). I’m a big fan.
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James W.
The location finder works flawlessly, but the tool to find out who owns a number didn’t work with one specific number I tried (though it worked with all the others). I guess it depends on how much information is available? Still, works as promised.
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Jackson C.
I purchased a Detectico subscription to find out who owns a number that keeps texting me. I was able to find out, but that wasn’t the only good thing to come from my purchase. Detectico also let me know that some of my personal information was involved in a data leak. Now I’m able to be a bit more private on the Internet.
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Claude R.
Really effective. One thing...I’m not very creative, so I prefer the pre-written messages. I wish they would add a few more, though. If you’re trying to locate a number several times, you might want to mix things up.
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Why Detectico?

  • Totally Private We value your privacy, so your data is always safe and secure. That includes your personal info and any search requests you’ve made.

  • Nothing to install Just punch in their number and Detectico gets to work. No app. No software. Nada.

  • Supports All Phones & Carriers iPhone. Android. Blackberry. Even an old flip phone from the turn of the century. If it can receive a text message, Detectico can detect it.

  • Super Precise Detectico gives you the exact address of a phone number. Not just coordinates. It’s advanced GPS technology at its finest.

  • Works Everywhere It doesn’t matter where in the world they happen to be (or where you happen to be). Detectico works all over the globe.

  • Detection Without Limits Go ahead. Search like there’s no tomorrow. With unlimited detection, you can use Detectico to your heart’s content.

Why Detectico

How it works

Phone Number Enter the number of the phone you want to detect, along with a personal message.

Phone Number

Send the Message Detectico fires it off by text immediately, along with a location detection link.

Send the Message

Detect their Location Once they tap the link in your message, Detectico will let you know their location.

Detect their Location


How do I track someone’s location by phone number?

With a phone number tracker like Detectico, it’s really easy. Just punch in their phone number along with a custom message (seriously, you can type anything you want or pick a pre-set one). Then hit the Send button and let Detectico fire off the message. When the person on the receiving end of the text taps the link in your message, it’ll reveal their location to Detectico, and Detectico will reveal it to you. Easy as pie.

Is it possible to track location by phone number for free?

If you come across an app that claims to find location by phone number for free, there’s a good chance it’s too good to be true. They could simply be harvesting your information or taking down numbers to spam. It’s better to pay for a phone tracker by number service. The ones that cost even just a little bit are much safer, more secure, and can be trusted.

Can someone track your location just by knowing your phone number?

Absolutely. When you track location by phone number, you don’t need to know any other information. Just the phone number. Seriously. Just enter it and let the tracking phone number service get to work. Then sit back and wait for the results.

Type in a phone number and find a location? How does this work?

If this sounds too easy, that’s because it is. But just because it’s easy, that doesn’t mean the technology to find phone number location is primitive. Baked into Detectico is some pretty advanced technology. We’ve worked really hard to make it so easy to use.

Do I need to install an app to locate this phone number?

There’s no need to install an app to get our tracking phone number service to work. That means you can type in phone number and find location without having to know where their phone is or physically access their phone. While some location tracking apps require you to install software on their phone when they aren’t looking, Detectico doesn’t.

Can I track the location of any number anywhere in the world?

Definitely. Type in phone number and find location. It really is that easy with Detectico. And it works anywhere in the world. If you’re in the United States and you want to track a number from Europe, go ahead. Detectico can handle it. In Australia and need to locate this phone number in South Korea? Detectico can handle that too. Just enter the phone number complete with the country code of the phone you want to locate and Detectico does the rest. And don’t worry, you don’t need to know what country they’re physically in. You just need to know their phone number.

What phones does this phone number tracker support?

It doesn’t matter if they have the latest iPhone, a 3-year-old Android, or an old flip phone that was popular before Blackberries entered the scene (remember Blackberry?). When you use localize phone number service like Detectico, you can take comfort knowing that it doesn’t matter how old their phone is. If it can receive a text message, Detectico can detect its location in a snap. In fact, you don’t even need to know what kind of phone they’re using. Just enter their number and a custom message. Detectico does the heavy lifting.

Will they know I used a phone number tracker?

Not with a service like Detectico. It sends text messages anonymously, so you don’t have to enter your own phone number to detect their location. And Detectico will never reveal your identity. Of course, if you want to let them know you’re trying to locate them, you can. Remember, with Detectico, you can enter a custom message for Detectico to text. If you include personally identifiable information in your message, they’ll know you’re trying to detect their location.

Ready to get started?

Detectico is the best way to find anyone's location or records with just their phone number.
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